
B. C. FRaME = Brian Canevari Functional Research and Mechanical Experimentation

I ka wā ma mua, i ka wā ma hope - (The time in front is for learning, the time behind is for reflection.)

Functional Research
Using the mind to develop objects and spaces for a better world with purpose, trying to solve problems immediate or long term, local or global, the studio approach seeks research based, cradle to cradle solutions.

Mechanical Experimentation
Using hands to realize ideas often yields better ways of designing, or modifications to a design that needs to go into production. We thoroughly test products before we go to market.
Ma ka hana ka ʻike (through doing one learns)
Bachelor of Architecture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 1993
Brian Canevari has lived experience through hard labor from childhood, Bachelor of Architecture degree, and professional practice as a designer and builder for public school projects, within Italian design studios and furniture factories, and self-employed since 1996 through public art and private commissions. Brian is wearing his illuminated coco-hat!

He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauwā ke kanaka (The land is chief, the human is it's servant.)
Studio B. C. FRaME
Established 1998 in Woodbridge, California, the studio moved to Kailua, (Oahu) February 2007. Learning how to use "cuttings" for plant regeneration, and landscape tree trimming "chips" to generate soil, through hard work home became home and studio.

ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi (Not all knowledge is taught in one school.)

I ulu no ka lala i ke kumu. (The branches grow because of the trunk)
Getting dirty is part of the package
Yes, that's coconut dust on the upper lip. Brian takes pride in making his creations. Raised by great grandparents and grandparents that immigrated from Italy, 1906 and 1937 respectively, Brian's dad was a plumber for 45 years and his mother did everything "home" and community service. Brian has combined every positive trait of his heritage to be the person he is today. Brian is not afraid to do the hard work, whether in the workshop, on the sales beat, and business management. Brian is very involved in community service and lovingly serves his family with delicious home cooked meals.

Rotary International Group Study Exchange
At the turn of the century, Brian won a seat to be a diplomat of sorts, to Chennai, India from January 12-March 12, 2000. This experience was truly an exchange, Brian was hosted by a different family each week, brought to review Rotary service projects each day to provide professional feedback and open awareness of potential. At the end Brian travelled for two weeks through the Kerala region where he witnessed lots of coconut trees.

E hele me ka pu'olo (Make every person, place or condition better than before, always)
Helping others is fundamental to being human.
After United Nations security training Brian worked as a camp logistician responsible for:
Humanitarian counterpart communication with the local Sudanese Humanitarian agency;
Safety and survival for three Kenyan nurses training locals as Community Health Workers, Traditional Birth Attendants, and Expanded Program of Immunization;
World Food Program distribution for the 30 students; and
UNICEF aid kit distribution.

Out in the spotlight, early days of Studio opening and public art commissions attracted media locally and globally.
Always open for an interview, messages of good intention can spread: Consideration and love of nature, environment, and family!

"I ka pono meaʻai i ka pono waiwai" (From food security to economic security)
Brian works hard not only on design and art, he also grows food for the family.

Help us help you
Your donations and purchases help us keep making quality products for a better world.